英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:44:02
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1. 涉及:treasury 财政部 | treat of 涉及 | treat with 处理

2. 论述:treasury 宝库 | treat of 论述 | treat 款待

3. 论述, 论及:stand treat [口]负担请客的费用, 请客 | treat of 论述, 论及 | treat oneself to 舍得(吃、穿等)

4. 论及;谈的是,关于:Don't treat me as a child. 别把我当作小孩. | treat of论及;谈的是,关于: | The book treated of the history of America. 这本书讲的是美国历史.

She hinted at the possibility of a treat of some sort.(她暗示可以找找乐子什么的。)
"Wallet threat" is the reluctant act of pulling one's wallet out as a sign of willingness to pay for a meal that was assumed to be a treat.(“钱包威胁”是指这样一种行为:人们不情愿地把自己的钱包掏出来,表示愿意为一顿原以为是他人请客的饭局买单。)
Dr. Twardon reminds us that we all have a little bit of these personalities in ourselves, so treat others as you would like to be treated.(特瓦尔登博士提醒我们,我们自己的性格中都会有一点这些个性,所以你希望别人如何对待你,你就如何对待别人。)
We have now to treat of other qualities which rest like a skin over all the surface of the plane.(现在,我们来讨论面的其他性质,这些性质就好像面表面的皮肤。)
We try to treat every member of staff equally.(我们尽可能平等对待每一位工作人员。)
Their neighbours usually give them a treat of some candy.(他们的邻居通常会用他们一些糖果招待他们。)
We have all seen how a computer's use of personal names often fascinates people and needs them to treat the machine as if it were almost human.(我们都看到过,计算机对个人姓名的使用如何使人着迷,这需要他们像对待人类一样对待计算机。)
Because everybody has already thought a personal quiet calm down to treat of time.(因为每个人都有想一个人静静待着的时候。)
Skywatchers viewing through a telescope will have the added treat of seeing Saturn's handsome rings.(使用望远镜的观天者更能看到土星美丽的光环。)
In the normal course of things we would not treat her disappearance as suspicious.(在一般情况下,她不露面,我们也不会觉得有什么可疑之处。)
treat of是什么意思 treat of在线翻译 treat of什么意思 treat of的意思 treat of的翻译 treat of的解释 treat of的发音 treat of的同义词